Monday 24 February 2014

Hi Guys,
Today i will be talking about Tigers. Tigers are the largest members of the cat family and are known for their black stripes. Tigers can kill an animal over twice its size and they are nature's most feared predators. The roar of a Bengal tiger can be heard from over 2km away during the night. For more information click here!
I have run out of time now!
I will post again soon!

Monday 3 February 2014

Shire Horse

Hi Guys,
Today i will be writing about Shire Horses. Shire horses are a breed of horse that are bred for working. They used to be used to pull carts and to help with harvesting crops. It used to be used to pull carts of ale from the brewery to public houses and in some places and countries they still do this today. Shire horses are very big horses and are normally about 16- 17 hands. For more information click here. Here is a picture of a shire horse. To watch shire horses in action click the horse pulling the cart below.
I will post again soon
Hi guys,
I will be doing another post today but i don't know what animal to do it about. If you have an idea for my post then please comment below!